If you’re gearing up to start your own book club or wanting to elevate your book club hosting ideas, then you’re in for a treat. Book clubs aren’t just about reading; they’re about fostering meaningful connections and lively discussions in a beautiful community. Plan your book club discussions so they are engaging and enjoyable with this book club discussion guide.

A Guide for Leaders: How to lead a book club discussion. Image of woman wearing a cream colored dress and holding a gray coffee mug. Post from The Miraculous Journey of books at BrittanyDahl.com

How do you make a book club discussion interesting?

To keep your book club discussions lively and interesting, consider these tips:

  • Choose the Right Books: Sharing books that are well written is a high priority for me, however, not everyone would agree with that. I often pick books that have won literary awards and I steer away from popular fiction. Either way, I would recommend selecting books that touch on relatable themes like motherhood, relationships, or personal growth. Rotate genres to keep things fresh.
  • Prepare Discussion Prompts: Develop thought-provoking questions that encourage reflection and conversation. This helps steer discussions beyond simple likes and dislikes.
  • Encourage Participation: Create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts. Embrace diverse perspectives and experiences within your group.

How do you structure a book club discussion?

Here’s a simple structure to guide your book club discussions:

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Begin by welcoming everyone and introducing any new members.
  2. Recap the Book: Provide a brief summary of the book to refresh everyone’s memory.
  3. Discuss Key Themes and Plot Points: Use prepared discussion questions to delve deeper into the book’s themes, characters, and plot twists.
  4. Encourage Open Conversation: Allow members to share their thoughts and reactions to the book. Personal responses and stories are the best way to build a tight-knit community.
  5. Wrap-Up: Conclude with final thoughts, book recommendations, or upcoming plans for the next meeting.

Book Club Books

Not sure where to start when it comes to creating a book club? I’ve got you. Sign up below and I’ll send you a list of my favorite books to read with book clubs! Plus, you’ll get two discussion guides that you can use. They are full of background information and specific questions to share with your group about the books.

What questions should I ask in a book club discussion?

In The Literary Moms’ Book Club, I share the specific questions I use for every book. These questions always elicit different responses based on the book we are reading, but it allows us to cover many aspects of the book and also have a thoughtful conversation relating those themes to our own experiences. These are a few of the questions I use to spark engaging discussions:

  • Character Analysis: Which character did you find most intriguing? Why?
  • Plot Discussion: What were the key turning points in the story, and how did they impact your reading experience?
  • Theme Exploration: How did the book address universal themes like love, loss, or resilience? What other themes did you notice?
  • Author’s Craft: What did you think about the author’s writing style or use of imagery?

What makes a good book discussion question?

Provide a set of guiding questions. Start with broader, open-ended questions to warm up the discussion. Move on to deeper, more thought-provoking questions to encourage critical thinking.

A good discussion question should:

  • Be Open-Ended: Encourage varied responses and interpretations.
  • Prompt Critical Thinking: Encourage deeper reflection beyond surface-level analysis.
  • Relate to Personal Experiences: Connect the book’s themes to real-life situations. (Hint: if you go first, others will also be willing to share.)
  • Stimulate Conversation: Spark curiosity and invite diverse viewpoints from members.

Guest Speakers or Author Talks

If possible, invite guest speakers such as authors, educators, or experts in relevant fields to join book discussions or share insights. This adds an exciting dimension and can inspire deeper exploration of the book’s themes.

By incorporating these elements into your book club discussions, you’ll create an enriching and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need personalized book recommendations. Let’s make this book club journey a rewarding one for all the moms out there!